Please be warned that counterfeit (fake) pl-2303hx (chip rev a) usb to serial controller ics using prolific's trademark logo, brandname, and device drivers, were being sold in the china market counterfeit ic products show exactly the same outside chip markings but generally are of poor quality and causes windows driver compatibility issues. Prolific usb to serial driver error code 10 windows 7. Usb driver installation for pl2303 based devices from robokits - duration: 1:05 robokits - easy to use, versatile robotic & diy kits 7,743 views.
prolific usb to serial driver error code 10 windows 7
Please be warned that counterfeit (fake) pl-2303hx (chip rev a) usb to serial controller ics using prolific's trademark logo, brandname, and device drivers, were being sold in the china market counterfeit ic products show exactly the same outside chip markings but generally are of poor quality and causes windows driver compatibility issues. This will install the driver files in a directory on your hard drive named, "c:pl2303win32". plug in your prolific usb to serial adapter, go into device manger, and then scroll down to ports (com & lpt) and double-click on "prolific usb-to-serial comm port (com#)", or in some cases, "other device".. Now includes windows 8.1 and windows 10! download this driver for installing and fixing of prolific usb to serial driver windows 10 code 10. u will get such kind of errors when you try to install pl2303 drivers in win 8 and win 10.
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